Monday, May 3, 2010

TVB Rating Reports (04/26/2010 - 05/02/2010) [*18 complaints]


Suspects in Love - 搜下留情 (EPS 16-18) - 28 PTS

Suspects in Love 2 Hour Finale - 搜下留情大結局 (EPS 19 END - SATURDAY) - 27 PTS

Fly With Me - 飛女正傳 (EPS 06-08) - 27 PTS

O.L Supreme - 女王辦公室 (EPS 46-48) - 25 PTS


Artistes 414 Fund Raising Campaign Concert - 演藝界情系玉樹關愛行動大匯演 (MONDAY) - 25 PTS (Peaking at 29 PTS)
Shanghai Expo 2010 Opening Ceremony - 上海世界博覽會開幕典禮 (FRIDAY) - 24 PTS

Variety Shows

Super Trio Game Master - 超級遊戲獎門人 (EP 02) - 28 PTS
Fun with Liza and Gods - 荃加福祿壽 (EP 06) - 26 PTS
Admiral's Feast - 為食總司令 (EP 10) - 23 PTS
Big Fun Hong Kong - 千奇百趣香港地 (EPS 16-20) - 23 PTS


The Broadcast Authority received:
- 16 compaints on "Super Trio Game Master" for immoral acts and that the games are dangerous.
- 2 complaints on Liza Wang's singing performance in "Fun with Liza and Gods"
- TVB Director of Foreign Affairs (Tsang Sing Ming) changed the focus of the "6:30PM News" to report about sports news. He expressed that the department had a small reform in response to this.

(CSM Media Research: 1 point presents 63,740 audience)

Credit: CSM (courtsey of wacow), kuangaitvb
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU


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