Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wylie Chiu will consider appearing "nude" as a breakthrough

Wylie Chiu. Yumi Wan and Miyoko Lau took part in the "Community Chest Udon football king 2010" activity yesterday. Wylie was the goal keeper for a friendly match. She appeared to have "chicken hand and duck leg" (雞手鴨腳), meaning she is a bad goal keeper as she kept letting goals in the net. Reporter asked if she is worried it may affect her popularity as she is not doing a photo album this year? Wylie pointed out that many people have read her book about the "Portrait of water", if she wants to write another book, she has to make a breakthrough. Wylie was asked if she would take up the challenge of appearing "nude"? She said she would consider it, but that depends on the company if they allow her to do so.

Source: MingPao
Translator: R.E.D @


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