First time as a skincare brand spokesperson, Maggie Cheung has been the spokesperson for skincare brand ROC for a year. She smiled and said that she fell in love with this brand when she was young. One time she asked her flight attendant younger sister to bring the products back to HK for her: "Ha! You know me, I'm a picky person. I have high expectations on myself. Before I didn't care about anything because I was busy filming series. I had luck in my career, but everything else was low. Today I relax myself, I want to have my own life. The things I never thought about before or never go to do, I am starting to do now. I would think, why not do it?"
Turns out that after Maggie's younger sister had a baby, aunt Maggie is busier than her sister, but she discovered she really wants to have motherly love, she said: "In the past, I've always felt that taking care of children was troublesome, but now looking at my nephew, I ask myself why did not I have one myself earlier? A little life comes to our family, leads to closer family relationships and more happiness. I also talked to my mother about how I was like when I was young. In the past, my career was the priority, but now I really feel that a happy family life is more important!"
Low profile wedding, but won't hide it
Have always been low-key in talking about her businessman boyfriend (Tsang On Pong), Maggie was asked if marriage is coming close? She smiled sweetly: "Every time I date, I will think about marriage. I believe in fate and right timing, especially now when I truly learned to cherish all my colleagues and of course my boyfriend is one of the people I cherish most. I hope to have your word, get marry earlier I won't hide my marriage, but I will keep it low-profile. I am just a simple person, really want to hold my wedding at a church, sharing the happiness with all my family and friends."
Source: The Sun
Translator: aZnangel@http://asianuniverse.net/forums/
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