Nicholas Tse attended to the promotion of film "New Shaolin Temple" <<新少林寺>> in Shanghai. Jacky Chan, who guest-appeared in the film, also came specially to support. During interviewing in the promotion event yesterday, Nicholas can't avoid talking about the limelight in his family--Lucas. It's known when Cecilia Cheung finished work two days ago, she returned to hotel with son immediately to meet Nicholas, who just arrived Shanghai. The three of them didn't leave the hotel that night.
Nicholas was seen smoking on the balcony, it's believed that he considers health of his son, so he kept a distance from Lucas when he smoked. Yesterday Nicholas told reporters that Cecilia and Lucas went back home already.
Talked about Lucas still all the limelight in animated "CJ7" press event, even Stephen Chow and mom Cecilia had to step aside. It's rumored Lucas receives higher pay than his dad? Nicholas said he doesn't know. As a dad, he would give personal space to children, if his son has higher pay than his dad, how come the dad not be happy?
As for Cecilia came to visit him in a tiring trip, Nicholas said he's worried, but his wife persisted, so he had to respect her decision. Cecilia said she's a little woman, would definitely listen to her husband? Nicholas couldn't help and laughed.
Jacky Chan specially came to Shanghai to promote. He said he has to apologize to boss, because originally he agreed to perform in "New Shaolin Temple," but in the end because he's too busy, he switched from being the lead to guest-appear. He said this time it's happy to work with Nicholas and Andy Lau. Asked whether he would invite Lucas to star in "Rob-B-Hood 2"? He joked they can throw Lucas up high and hit him, Nicholas laughed when he heard that. Reporters asked Jacky whether he would celebrate Father's Day with Jaycee? He took this opportunity and criticized Jaycee is a lazy kid. He expressed as a father, he demands 120 points when doing everything, but Jaycee only worth 20 points.Earlier it was rumored Andy argued with Nicholas for characters in the film. Yesterday Andy missed the promotion, and chose to attend to the promotion event in Hong Kong. Director Benny Chan expressed the two's character were decided in advanced, argument is just a rumor. He also praised Andy was daring during filming that he would continue to film even when the wire broke.
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: KAY
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