Thursday, June 3, 2010

Steven Ma to get hitched within two years

Steven Ma revealed on Tuesday that he will be marrying his girlfriend, Vivian Xu, within the next two years, said Hong Kong media.

"It (marriage) will be one or two years down the road. Once our [relationship] has developed and our finances have reached a certain safety level, it will be time to turn a page in our lives," Ma told reporters, before going into more detail on his wedding plans.

"I am born in Hong Kong, so I will register my marriage and hold the wedding banquet here, though we may go overseas to shoot our wedding photos."

Ma added that he had been "thinking about getting married next year but hasn't set an exact date" and was actually saving up to get a place of his own.

The actor, who is currently living with his father and sister, said he is planning to buy a unit near his current home so the couple can stay near his family.

When asked about his girlfriend of seven years, Ma was full of praise for Xu.

"She is mature in her thinking. I am sometimes a male chauvinist and clearly in the wrong, but she bears with it and refuses to quarrel with me. Of course I usually apologise after that.

"She is very independent so I don't have to worry about her. She is not a narcissist and does not put on airs. And she does not interfere in my work at all," said the 38-year-old actor, explaining that Xu never gets jealous when he has intimate scenes with his co-stars.

Source: Channel News Asia


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