Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sammi Preaches to Andy on Plane

There's been on going news of Andy and Sammi getting back together. It has been reported Andy has even started going to church with Sammi, and has requested girlfriend Michelle to move out of their love nest. The other day the pair went to Beijing to perform at a concert, not only travelling there together but returning back together too. On the plane, Sammi was also preaching to Andy and didn't end until a stewardess asked for a photograph.

Yesterday Andy was ask if he and Sammi were discussing sermons or about love? He said the situtation is not like that, but he didn't want to say too much either, it was just about normal activities. Andy expressed in arriving Beijing with Kuen Chan (陳坤), who's company is the same as Sammi's, so naturally they would have took the same plane and sat together, not because of any special reasons. Has Sammi preached to him? He said sometimes they would chat about sermons and beliefs. Everyone has heard Sammi's gospel album which is as normal as normal can be.

Fans have always wanted to see Sammi and Andy reunited? He said '得鮁喇!' (Is the girlfriend jealous?) '得鮁喇! Anyway the whole situation is as normal as it can be.'


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