Fun With Liza and Gods" filmed two episodes in a row yesterday. Elvina Kong as Anita Mui, singing <<胭脂扣>> and <<芳華絕代.>> Louis Yuen as Roman Tam and Johnson Lee as Leslie Cheung.When they were filming for the next episode, Wong Cho Lam disguised as a woman again, wearing a wig as Lady GaGa. Joyce Cheng as Beyonce and Grace Wong as Madonna. The curvy Joyce hid her sexiness that she couldn't beat the other two. Cho Lam said he's Lady Tiger, but judge Andrew Lam said he looks like a ladyboy. Cho Lam fought back: "I don't look like a ladyboy, I'm man." Andrew praised Grace instead, saying she has a big chest and her career line is strong.
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: KAY @ kays-entertainment.blogspot.com
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