Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ron Ng breaks out into the "bus" path

Ron Ng has always had the comedic cells, can't believe that he can only successfully 'clear out his background' after 10 years since his entry into the entertainment circle. Ron feels that as long as there is hard work, audience definitely will see it: "Have been in the industry for several years, I have gone through a lot and gained experience. I understand the rules of the game in showbiz. There are many things you cannot avoid, including rumors and gossips. So, the first thing you can do is do your best, as long as there is hard work, people will definitely see it. (Acting in comedy series is a way to help you get out of the down time?) Not down time, it's just an experience. Of course life has its ups and downs, actually I'm still at the working diligently stage."

Ron expressed that "O.L Supreme" is his first sitcom playing as the smart "bus boy". To get the right costume and to get into character, Ron did a lot of homework beforehand. He said: "My past roles were often bad boys, so this bus boy role to me gives off an extremely fresh feeling. However because I don't have too many 'bus lover' friends, I had to do a lot of research online before filming started, doing all my preparations beforehand. I learned how to act as a 'bus boy', but that wasn't enough, so I had to change my hairstyle to make my image look more like a bus boy."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU


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