SuperVoice Hong Kong Coliseum Concert ended perfectly the night before yesterday. Guests who attended were such as " Fuk Luk Sau", Elisa Chan, and Raymond Lam. Louis Yuen, Wong Cho Lam, and Johnson Lee imitated the "evil" looks of Grasshopper, causing the event to be merrier.
Raymond Lam on the other hand hot danced with sexy female dancers and half naked male dancers killing both men and women. When asked about the reports saying that he snatched the dates for booking Hong Kong Coliseum from the Miss Hong Kong event, cable TV sent representative to clarify the matter saying, " Miss Hong Kong and Raymond's concert are different dates, there is no such thing as snatching the dates. There are some technical problems now, so Miss Hong Kong is not necessarily going to be held in Hong Kong Coliseum."
Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: Eujean Lee @ TVB Newsworld
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