Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Miriam Yeung anxious to lose weight on tummy

Miriam Yeung was at studios yesterday to promote her new album and upcoming concert in October. As both Jay Chou's and Alan Tam's concert had increased admission fees, she was asked if she would follow suit. She replied that she did not know as that is not related; she usually gets her usual fee, which has never increased.

She was questioned about her concert, if she would use any 3D or 4D effects. Being a joker, she replied, "3D? Figure is more important. (Now G cup?) Even if I push from my ankles, I'll never get a G!"

Earlier, the papers had photographed her with a seemingly large stomach, and was probed about the question of pregnancy. She 'jumped' to clarify that she had to exercise more to prepare for approaching wedding banquets, especially when she had to fit into her gown. She also hopes that the company would understand and allow her to go on a long, well-deserved vacation.

Source: Oriental
Translator: claradead @


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