Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gillian Chung lets Alex Fong go, don't want to be third person

Yesterday Gillian Chung, Alex Fong and director Jeff Lau attended the promotional event for EEG's new movie "The Fantastic Water Babes". This is the first time rumored couple Gillian and Alex appeared together in Hong Kong after the filming ended. At first the two were avoiding each other a little, but then slowly got warmed up. Reenacting the bike scene, Alex was not afraid to put his hand on Ah Gil's waist, having a close interaction.

Later Ah Gil was asked if she thought back to the "old love" when reenacting the scene? Ah Gil said: "It's the love in the movie! (Did you already ask if he and Stephy Tang got married?) I already did, he said no! (Relieved?) You guys are relieved, you all told me to ask!" Alex just continued to avoid answering questions about the marriage rumors.

In the movie, their love started from Alex teaching Ah Gil swimming, asked if Alex has used this to pursue girls? He said: "Do I really have to use that method! (Then what do you use?) My sincere and true heart, then the girl will be willing to take me." Does Ah Gil feel Alex's sincere and true heart? She said: "He should be pretty sincere. (Touched you?) In the movie yes."

The movie will release on July 15th. Are Ah Gil and Alex worried about more rumors starting? Alex said: "Nope. Ah Gil has so many movies out, don't know who she can be rumored with." Will Ah Gil be afraid to get in between Alex and Stephy? She said: "Choi! I don't like being the third person!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU


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