Referred as part of the "Stephen Party", TVB producer (Poon Yue Kai) earlier left the company with TVB's reason being "nothing for him to do". Yesterday TVB "takes out the knife" again and fired Producer (Tang Yuen Mei) who produced the programme "On The Road". TVB's spokesperson (Tsang Sing Ming) expressed that the decision was made because of the new combination of production crew, she will not be meeting the future production needs and this does not rule out the chances for another collaboration opportunity in the future. He also stressed that this has nothing to do with Stephen Chan. Yesterday Ms. Tang admitted to the fact: "TVB gave me two options. One was I leave myself or two I get fired. I told TVB to fire me because I did nothing wrong. ("Stephen Party" getting fired?) I don't even know if I'm considered in the "Stephen Party". I just feel a programme that received good ratings, many awards, good feedback and had a good production team gets fired, I don't understand what TVB uses as their standards. I know that this is more of a loss to TVB than it is a loss to me."
Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @
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