Monday, April 26, 2010

30 year old Ella Koon starting to worry about premature aging

Yesterday Ella Koon attended a event for a healthy foods brand and to accommodate the brand's theme, she especially wore a fresh yellow colored BCBG brand spring dress to the event. However, the material of the dress was rather thin, so her T-back underwear was visible. Then Ella appeared in a yellow tank top exposing her tight fit bra and followed the yoga instructor to do the simple yoga moves. Ella easily passed the test.

It was said that because Ella was so yellow, she looked like a banana, she laughed along and admitted too: "I am a banana person, yellow skin white heart. People always teased me when I was young, but I'm a traditional Chinese person." Asked if she wanted to accommodate the theme and even wore a yellow bra, she haha-ed again and said: "Yes, its a vest. (Have you done all precautions in case of exposure?) I have two layers under." Asked again if she's wearing a T-back, she said in embarrassment: "Don't ask me!"

30 year old Ella has no eating or sleeping schedule since she's been in the industry, so she's been worrying premature aging: "Later I'm going in for osteoporosis testing, hopefully I'll pass the test!" She also said that to maintain her health, she's starting to eat more nutritious foods and exercising.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU


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