In the past, Kevin loved basketball and would play games with his friends on the street. Because one time he got into an accident and hit his head, resulting in 7 stitches, he was horrified ever since. Kevin said: "When I played tennis, I also injured my head twice. I personally feel that because of these head accidents I became stupid."
Earlier there were reports that Kevin requested the Producer (Lee Tim Shing) to make "A Fistful of Stances" sequel to increase his chances for the TV King title. He said: "When we were filming the series, we all suggested Tim Gor to make a sequel, but he did not give us an answer yet. He has to finish with "Rosy Business 2." first before deciding." Kevin expressed that if "Rosy Busines 2" broadcasts this year, he supports Wayne Lai, Sheren Tang for TV King and Queen once again.
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU
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