Good times or bad times, many times its all on our own hands! In the recent year, Ron Ng has been having a major decrease in popularity, so he went back to Mainland filming series to earn the money and was said to have been "banished" from the company. However, Ron does not agree to this statement. The time he's filming in Mainland forced him to work hard daily on plane scripts and this made him fall in love with acting even more. He follows the words by his senior for encouragement:
"Chow Yun Fat said before it's learning for a lifetime!" Always went down the "handsome" path, Ron recently jumped out of the box in his appearance on TVB sitcom "O.L Supreme" where he plays a simple-minded bus fan. At first Ron did not have much confidence in this role: "before accepting to be in this role, I went online to watch "Tuesday's Report" episode of Bus Fans and I learned how to be one of them. My outer appearance somewhat copied Japanese movie "Densha Otoko" ("Train Man"). You know it! Bus Fans give you a feeling of isolation and being closed-up, bullied by others and afraid to speak up. At first acting out this role was a little challenging because I never done this type of role before nor do I have these types of friends. I'm also rather tall and I'm usually playing those heroes and bad boy roles, I was a little afraid that the results wouldn't turn out good. Fortunately the public responses have been good, I have some ABC friends that just came back from overseas and don't often watch Hong Kong series, but one time they called me up and praised that the series was a good one, have to chase it everyday!"
Study Acting The cast from the sitcom, Ron said that its the first time he collaborated with many of them including Liza Wang, Chapman To and Denise Ho. Liza had always given the impression that she's punctual and strict. Ron actually said that he's not too afraid of Liza, at first he was more afraid of Chapman: "When we just started shooting, I wasn't afraid of Liza, but rather Chapman because he looked upset, changes mood too quickly, straightforward and is a natural born comedic actor. But after this collaboration, I actually learned a lot from him and now we became friends. Besides eating out together, we also like watching movies. When we have time we would talk about them. Us three guys Chapman, Joel Chan and I have the most scenes together. As the story progresses, the series will start talking about me often going out into the hallway for "meetings". Those scenes we sometimes add our own style to it, like when we took our wine glasses and splat out red wine on each other. The director also felt that the results was quite humorous. Filming sitcoms is not only fun to film, but also allows more space to develop the scenes."
Back in the day, Ron depended on "Triumph In the Skies" to bounce up into popularity. He started filming more series and released music albums. Unfortunately because of the negative news and rumors, he was arranged by his company to film series in Mainland. The media said that he was "banished" from TVB, but Ron does not agree. In Mainland, not only is he earning money, but in the short period of time he fell in love with acting. In the recent year, his acting has improved more and more.
"Before when I was filming , I told myself: 'just succeed, no failure' because that series had many good and funny artistes, like Louis Yuen and John Chiang. Because of this I definitely had to accomplish something, otherwise I would sink even further. My mentality has changed in the recent year, I started loving acting more and my interest grew. Earlier when I was filming in Mainland, there was so many things to do for leisure. Besides watching DVDs and going online for news, I focused on acting and examining the script. Back in Hong Kong, I continued with this spirit and this allowed me to become more mature and I started to love acting!" Ron agrees to the reasoning of not falling behind, so he will work hard in doing his best. However he feels that practice is more important than theory:
"Everyday when I go to work, I am learning. Just like the current series I'm working on "Reunion", I'm working with Lau Siu Ming and Roger Kwok. When there is time, I would grab them and ask questions. I would ask Lau Siu Ming how to do rescuing scenes and when it's time to film, I would then practice and observe. I like practice more than theory. You could have attended 100 classes, if you never physically done acting, then its useless. It's always best to learn as you act. Like Chow Yun Fat said, it's life long learning." No Split in parties, everyone is TVB Party Regarding to Stephen Chan's recent corruption case that affected some artists. Ron frankly said that the best thing to do is do your own part. It was rumored that whoever is part of the "Stephen Party" is out, while artists in the "Virgina Lok Party" gets to rise. Ron expressed that there isn't a split in parties.
"I'm not very familiar with Mr. Chan. We are under Ms. Lok, not much affect. The most important thing is to do well on your own work. Executive issues, let TVB handle it. I hope Mr. Chan can be ok soon and the incident can come to an end. TVB is such a big company, they will properly handle the situation. We are just little artists, play a small role. Actually there is no split in parties, everone is part of the TVB party because TVB is who pays us. Every artist just do their own part, then we're fine."Source: Singtao
Translated by: aZnangel @