Fresh off of a visit to St. Louis, the hunky 22-year-old actor is in the midst of boosting interest in his new movie, "Charlie St. Cloud," which hits theaters next Friday, July 30th.
Recently talking about his attraction to the Burr Steers directed film, Efron told Parade magazine, “Every once in awhile, you read a script and you get that special feeling in your gut. I was touched by what the character, Charlie, goes through, and I thought it was a story worth sharing. And the fact that I have a little brother myself gave it a lot of resonance.”
Also dishing on a recent vacation to Hawaii in which he took with brother Dylan, Zac told, “[I] kicked off the summer by taking my little brother, Dylan, on a graduation trip to Hawaii. He’s going off to college next year, and I’ve been working very hard, so we haven’t been able to see each other as much as we would have liked to in the past few years. We hiked through the inner jungle in Maui, and you come across these really beautiful spots. We found this hidden place where there was an enormous waterfall and cliff jump. It was about a thirty-five foot drop.”
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