Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma, Tavia Yeung and Bernice Liu attended a celebration for their high rated series (Mysteries of Love). The finale episode received the highest ratings so far, averaging 38 points and peaking at 42 points. On stage, Raymond was requested to treat everyone for a trip to Thailand. He fought back saying that he never seen Kenneth do any treating.
Kenneth said Raymond is going to have a concert soon, earning lots of money, but Raymond doesn't show his weakness as he said: "I heard Kenneth Ma also got himself a new car. I really never said that I'll treat a trip to Thailand, but I should treat everyone to a meal. However, have to wait until I finish my concert first. (Is Kenneth cheap?) I don't know how to say it, I done the treating numerous times, just too many times. Kenneth is not cheap, he's a good man!"
(Mysteries) has always been criticized of copying Japanese drama (Detective Galileo), coincidentally TVB is currently airing the drama again. Raymond said: "I'm not afraid that viewers may find more similarities. (Is there going to a sequel?) I didn't agree to anything from Producer Lau Ka Ho. (How will you celebrate Virgina Lok's birthday?) Every year I'm always there for her, but the gift isn't. (Afraid of the ICAC, don't dare to give gifts?) No, maybe I'll treat her to dinner."
Tavia learned that (Detective Galileo) is broadcasting again on TVB, she joked: "That evil? Well it's good, I never watched it. Don't know if viewers will compare me to the series, but I think most housewives ('see lai') are asleep at that time. (Mysteries sequel?) The ending is already really good. If there is a sequel, hopefully there will be a whole new story. (Wait for more Japanese dramas to air, then copy some more?) Not necessary. Maybe the Japanese dramas copies us! I want to work with more male artists. I haven't kissed Takeshi Kaneshiro or Kevin Cheng before. The most recent one is Raymond Wong. His wife told me to play more with her husband. I won't get a few slaps from other people since I stamp collect and kiss fairly. (Work with your rumored boyfriend Chris Lai?) He's my good brother and good sister"
Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: aZnangel@http://asianuniverse.net/forums/
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