Wong Cho Lam has an advantage of portraying women and he said he can do it effortlessly. He doesn't have to do as much research like Louis and Johnson did, but the feedback is the most uproarious: "When I impersonate, I would impersonate the person that's alike to me. It's like there's no reason to ask Louis to impersonate a skinny girl. Because the performance only lasts 2 or 3 minutes, only have to find 1 or 2 main points then it would be OK." Talked about impersonating women, Cho Lam can talk a lot about it: "Just like impersonating Lisa S., I have to speak like her, high pitch when speaking English. As for Lynne Xiong, I would have to make my eyes as big as hers. When answering questions, just have to make my eyes big and I would look like her! How come I look taller when impersonating her? Thanks to the director, he focused on my waist then plan down to my legs, in the end brought the camera from bottom to the top, making me seem taller. But in fact, I'm still a shortie...Anyways, I don't just look at the person I'm impersonating, but to look at his/her playfulness."
But Cho Lam once thought it would be super disgusting to portray women: "Before going out to the streets, I'm afraid others would throw tomatoes at me. Looking at myself in a female look, oh gosh! I can actually be this pretty!" Out of thousands of his female looks, Cho Lam believes 'Handelababy' is his proudest work: "It's successful because I can create a character, because creation is better than impersonation." Cho Lam doesn't just earn money from impersonating: "I think we actually earned a group memory. Just like Adam Cheng impersonating 4 heavenly kings, Ah Jeh dances hot coffee, Fei Jeh steps on eggs, these are all group memories of after-70s and 80s [people born between 1970 - 1979, and 1980 - 1989], but it seems everything is gone these past 10 years. I hope after 20 years some people still remember us! What I want to get is not money, I didn't even accept job opportunities in the mall lately, I have to do well for this show, use a long line to catch a big fish."
Part 3: Wong Cho LamSource: The Sun
Translated by: Kay's Entertainment
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