Hacken expressed he named Rex "Lee Lik Si" (李力司). Because when Rex was born, he was bigger and rougher than his older brother, so he was given a more powerful name. Hacken expressed they just held a one-month-old celebration and received many gifts from friends. Alan Tam gave a jade angel to Rex just like Ryan has, but Rex's has diamonds on. Ryan cares of his younger brother, too, so Hacken lets him help to out in tasks like changing diapers, he didn't find Ryan getting jealous at the moment.
In addition, Hacken is confirmed to host world-cup shows for Commercial Radio HK. As for his relationship with TVB, he said: "It'll be resolved one day, but I'm not optimistic that it would be resolved before the event. Anyways every cloud has a silver lining."
Source: Singtao
Translated by: Kay's Entertainment
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