Pakho Chau had just successfully completed a surgery to remove seven sores from his eyes, and was starting work on a commercial shoot again after a long period of rest. Two spots on his right eye suddenly began beading blood, scaring everyone on scene, but Pakho remained surprisingly calm and tried to supplicate the frozen workers. Afterwards, he visited the optometrist with his assistant, where the doctor discovered that a few of the stitches had split, and so he immediately helped stem the blood flow and re-stitched the wounds to prevent bacterial infection. Finally, the doctor used gauze to protect his right eye. Pakho, unfortunately turned into a cyclops, recounted the event amicably,
"I was in the middle of filming, and then all of a sudden, I felt something dripping from my right eye. When I used my hand to brush it away, I realized it was blood, and the workers were so nervous, asking if I could see. The advertising company was very nice, and told me to go see the doctor right away. Now with the gauze stuck on my eye, the doctor told me to go home and rest more." Asked if this would affect his work schedule, Pakho said,
"I will still attend tonight's function as planned." Source: on.ccTranslation: casablanca-- @
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