“I could talk for a year about my kids,” the New York Daily News quoted her as saying. Marc, on the other hand, has publicly declared his intention of having more kids. “I hope we have more kids on the way soon!” he said. Though the duo has been making efforts to show the media that they have cordial relations, as they recently hummed 'I Love You I Do' to each other at an event, their friends have hinted that all is not well at home.
“Jennifer is determined to make it work with Marc. But these two have serious, serious issues. Jennifer feels like Marc is holding her career back, and she was sick of his social butterfly mentality while she stayed at home with the twins. There are times when she's had it, and close to ending it. She'll throw down her ring and say, That's it.”
“But when Marc realizes he's about to lose her, he comes right back to Mommy. She enhances his life she's a huge star and good for him, and he does love her. And really, all their fighting makes for some fiery passion in the bedroom. Thus Jennifer is adamant that stability in the marriage is needed before having more kids. “She wants to make sure her marriage is secure before she has more kids,” the pal said.
“Jennifer needs to ascertain that Marc will assume his half of the parental responsibility. She will never give up the red carpet, and certainly doesn't want to be barefoot and pregnant, locked down or locked up. She wants to give [1-year-olds Max and Emme] siblings, but she loves the attention of the spotlight. She does not want to be a stay-at-home mom,” the pal added.
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