The 23-year-old star - who recently moved out of the Playboy Mansion after splitting from the 82-year-old lothario - admits she used to "sneak" out of the famous party house to get the satisfaction Hugh couldn’t provide.
She said: "I had to have sex every now and then, so I had to kind of sneak it."
However, Kendra revealed another of Hugh’s ex-girlfriends Bridget Marquardt, 35 - who has also moved out of the mansion - did manage to stay faithful to him.
She explained to Us Weekly magazine: "Bridget told me that she's been faithful all these years, and I was like, 'How the hell can you do that?' I had to have sex so I could feel my age, like a healthy human being."
Kendra adds she rarely saw Hugh when they were together, sometimes only managing to utter a few words to him a day.
She said: "Besides the nights we went out, I only saw Hef, like, once a day walking through the halls to his office. There were never solo dates.
"The most we kind of say to each other is, 'I love you,' 'Love you too,' 'I hope you have a good day,' 'Did you have a good day?'"
The star admits she found living in the mansion stifling, as she had little freedom.
"Strict" staff always wanted to know where she, Bridget and Hugh’s other ex-girlfriend Holly Madison, were going - noting their trips down in a book which Hugh inspected each morning.
Kendra also revealed the girlfriends were not allowed to spend holidays with their families and insists she disliked being paid an allowance of $1,000 per week, and is now totally against Hugh’s way of life.
She said: “I hate putting my hand out, but we couldn't have jobs other than getting appearance fees. Hef was kind of like my best friend, but a sugar daddy at the same time Hef made me feel beautiful.
"Now I'm totally against his way of life, with three girlfriends and all of that."
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